Nicholas Davey wrote:

> Hi.
> Im not totaly new to programming in general. I am fairly new to PERL

One thing wetry to avoid in Perl is SHOUTing
We do use upper case for constants, though.

> (DONT go here, example only)
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> [ output HTML headers and top of page here ]
> if (login eq 'yes') {
>     [ output login form here ]
> }

Perl identifiers are preceded by a type indicator.  The ones used in normal code
$ Scalar--numerical value or single string value.
@ List--sort of an array, sort of a linked list.  It's really its own sort of
Perl animal.
% Associate Array, called a hash in Perl.  Very fast indexing structure based on
a key-value paradigm.

> [ output bottom of page here ]
> When I pass the variable in the URL like this, the if statement doesnt
> trigger. However, when I run this on my RH box as a script, it will parse
> the variable just fine and output the correct HTML to my console.
> Any ideas on what the heck I am doing wrong?

How could we?  You show some very generalized psuedocode, yet present a very
specific implementation problems.  Just post some code, particularly the code
used to receive and parse the form input.

You probably need to read a basic text on Perl.  Trying to simply apply code
from other languages to Perl will not work.


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