Mike Blezien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I'm trying to change how data is currently being
: added to a file to condense it and make it easier
: to work with.
: Below is the code snip that processes and adds
: the data to the appropriate file. The current
: Output to the file is what I am trying to change 
: and not having alot of luck.
: The desired output to file is at the bottom of
: this post. Any suggestions or help to accomplish
: this would be much appreciated. Basically take
: the current output to file:
: IE:

    I think one problem is you need to convert all
the subcategory files to the new file format *before*
you start adding new keywords to the files.

     Another problem is that you are visualizing
your data as it is, instead of changing it to a
convenient perl data structure. This whole data set
is screaming hash, and you're using an array.
     Let me clarify. Each line of a subcategory file
looks like something this to you:


    While I see:

category            keyword
========            =======
2D-Animals          animals
2D-Animals          bee
2D-Animals          whale

    You want to end up with:


    And I see:

2D-Animals => [ 'animals', 'bees', 'whale', ]

    # load old file format
    my $file = "$maincatlogs$MainCat.catlog";
    open FH, $file or die "Cannot open $file: $!";
        chomp( my @category = <FH> );
    close FH;

    # change it to a perl data structure
    #   a Hash of Arrays (HoA)
    #   see perldsc
    my %categories;
    foreach ( @category ) {
        my( $category, $keyword )= split /~/;
        push @{ $categories{ $category } }, $keyword;

    # change to the new file format
    my @file;
    foreach my $key ( keys %categories ) {
        push @file, "$key~", join '::', @{ $category{ $key } };

    # change the disk to the new format
    open FH, ">$file" or die "Cannot open $file: $!";
        print sort @file;
    close FH;

    You can read more about perl data structures in


Charles K. Clarkson
Head Bottle Washer,
Clarkson Energy Homes, Inc.
Mobile Home Specialists
254 968-8328

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