Wrong. Try:

   use CGI;
   my $q = new CGI;
   my $record = $q->param('text_field');
   open(OUTFILE, ">output.txt") or die "Can't open output.txt: $!";
   print OUTFILE $record;
   close OUTFILE;

Andrew Brosnan wrote:

On 6/26/03 at 10:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bob X) wrote:

How would I go about saving the textarea of an HTML page to a text


use CGI; my $q = new CGI; my $record = $q-param('text_field'); open(OUTFILE, ">output.txt") or die "Can't open output.txt: $!"; print OUTFILE $record;

send donations to TPF: http://donate.yetanother.org/

read: perldoc perlintro perldoc CGI perldoc perlopentut

Regards, Andrew


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