On Sunday, Jul 27, 2003, at 09:55 US/Pacific, Octavian Rasnita wrote: [..]
I know that PHP is much more limited even for CGI programs than perl,
but for simple tasks it is much better.
And... most CGI programs are not extremly complicated.

That really is the crux of the problem.

How 'complex' IS the over all project really
going to become....

While 'many' cgi programs themselves may
not be 'extremly complicated' - especially
when they start out - the problem is keeping
them in that 'small, simple, easy' set of tasks.

At which point there is both a technology set
of questions, and dare i propose it, an ethical
set of questions. Do we as professionals have an
obligation to warn our clients that while they may
be able to solve 'foo' quickly with some PHP/ASP?<PhraseHere>
that we can, if we can, see that their core project will
grow beyond that limited scope...

Or should we bill the contract once to whip up the
simpler PHP/ASP/WhatEver - and then be ready in the
wings to re-bill them to refactor the project into
something that will handle their more, uh, complex
and actual problems.

A position I am willing to take with regards to Perl as well.

If perl is not a good fit for the type of project, then clearly
one should not merely adopt the cavalier attitude that perl-cgi
and/or mod_perl is the Majik...

{ while I love the fact that 'perl is everywhere' - the simpler
solution for 'init scripting' on most unix boxes remains the
simple light, and DUMB /bin/sh script... So if the 'server side'
will need to have a special daemon process that is going to be
run behind the web-server, then plan to deliver the init scripting
that will start/stop it... }

Most of us 'reach for our perl' - if for no other reason, than
we KNOW the pain of putting it together as an LRL parser in
say Lex and Yacc, when all we need is merely some reasonably
painful and annoying Regular Expression Parser - but one that
will be a whole lot simpler to maintain, and far more portable
than the Lex and Yacc... { yes boys and girls, if we want to
have SERIOUS flameFesting, then, uh.... nope, do not want to... }



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