I was trying to find a log file to look at.  I guess half the problem is I
am using a hosting service, and it is on a Microsoft IIS server (Windows
NT-based I think, but definitely not UNIX).  I will have to ask the hosting
admin where I might find a log file...

Here is the part of the perl script that I start printing things to the
browser (see previous message for the html.pm script that contains the
HTML_header and HTML_ender subroutines):

my $header = 'Successful update';
my $msg = "<h2>Your preferences have been updated

# Finally, put up a HTML document announcing that the update was successful.
print "<body>\n";
print "<center>\n";
print "$msg\n";
print "<p>Return to the <a href=\"amtest.pl?uname=$uname\"
onMouseover=\"window.status='Back to account management'; return true\"
onMouseout=\"window.status=''; return true\">Account Management</a>
print "</center>\n";

Note that I have also tried using print qq| ... | code as well.

I am now getting a CGI error message along the lines of
Cannot find a string terminator '"' in ... line ... (the line above starting
with print "<p>... ".  I can't find a problem with that line???

Thanks for your help so far guys!  I am losing a bit of sleep on this one :(

-----Original Message-----
From: Octavian Rasnita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 06 August, 2003 2:30 AM
To: Jon Hogue
Cc: Mike Harrison; 'Andrew Brosnan'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Perl line breaks

For troubleshooting a script you can take a look in the server's log file
and you will find there any error.

Teddy's Center: http://teddy.fcc.ro/

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon Hogue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Octavian Rasnita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Mike Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'Andrew Brosnan'"
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2003 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: Perl line breaks

>...and you don't need to print the HTML header in the BEGIN {} block.
>You can just print it at the top of the perl program or in the middle of
>program but before anything else is printed.

if something is dieing in a module you are loading, you will never know
about it because it will never get to the Content-Type and therefore never
send anything good to your browser. if you use a BEGIN block, you might
catch things that happen in modules you load. i wouldn't recommend doing
that for your normal script, but it is a useful troubleshooting tool.

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