Using the package command breaks up things into different namespaces. 
For instance you could:

package my_package;
# do something

#do somethingelse

Puts both #do something and #do something else in the my_package
namespace.  On the other hand:

package my_package;
# do something

#do somethingelse

Only puts #do something in the my_package namespace.

This allows you to create functions and files that don't step on
anybody's feet.  For instance:

$foo = 50; 
package my_package;

my $foo = 100; 


Would create two different versions of $foo

$foo == 50
$my_package::foo == 100

You can seperate packages into seperate files ending them in .pm and
naming them with the package name and then:

use my_package; # allows access to my_package


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