Jack wrote:

I'm trying to redirect the output of my CGI (written
in Perl) to another frame,
but I'm not exactly sure how to do this.  i.e. I have
two frames on my page
one on the right and one on the left.  There is a form
on the right frame.  When
the user clicks on the Submit button on my form, I'd
like to call a CGI script and
redirect its output to the left frame.  Could anyone
please tell me how I can do this?

In the right frame, put this:

<input type=button value='Submit' onClick='top.frames.leftframe.document.location.href = \"yourscriptlocation.pl\"'>

substituting 'leftframe' for the name of the left frame and 'yourscriptlocation.pl' for the URL of your script.

Andrew Gaffney

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