You don't need to get that from a database! All you havve to do is put a
lock on a file read the file, increment it write the file and take the lock
off, easy!
"Parvez Mohamed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Plaese use
> in responce to:
> I want to write a CGI in perl that when called, grabs a number from a
> MySQL db or a file,
> increments it, writes the number back out, and then returns a GIF with
> that number. I want
> to have 10 separate GIFs, each one containing an image (that I have
> created to match the
> site design) of a number, 0-9. I need to be able to piece together any
> number of these
> GIFs from left to right into one large (relatively) GIF. I know how to
> do everything but
> actually create the GIF. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
> ---------------------------------
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