>J> #!/usr/bin/perl >J> # >J> # Load modules >J> use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); >J> use LWP::Simple; >J> use integer;

> Huh? Why?

Ok, I agree with your cuestion about CGI::Carp(fatals.. and integer. My mistake.

J> # >J> # Read Input >J> &ReadInput(*cInput); >Eeek! "use CGI". "use CGI". "use CGI". Not this stuff.

> I didn't read any further.  My mind rejects CGI scripts that are
> written this poorly.

If you see CGI.pm, ReadInput and ReadParse works exactly the same way.

Anyway thank you.



J. Alejandro Ceballos Z. |
http://alejandro.ceballos.info |
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | "A menudo la razón comete errores
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