I think it is doing that because it is the secure protocol. Presumably, I think that means that others can't tap into it unless they have a username and password or some other authorized access. If you're trying to extract from your own site, then I think you need to download the html into a folder onto your PC and then run your cgi through perl on your machine.

At 04:07 AM 8/3/2004, you wrote:
Hi All,
My requirement is to extract html from any site ( HTTPS) and then parse
it for selective contents

I am able to connect to HTTP sites but when it comes to HTTPS , it is
throwing errors.

Code snippet for HTTP

my $res;
use LWP::Request;
require LWP::UserAgent;
require Io::All;

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout(10); $ua->env_proxy; $ua->proxy('http', 'http://proxy:80/');

my $response = $ua->get('');

 if ($response->is_success) {
   print $response->content;  # or whatever
 else {
     die $response->status_line;

This is working fine. Can any body help me with HTTPS?

Anas Perwez

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