On Tue, Aug 31, 2004 at 09:31:52AM -0600, Siegfried Heintze wrote:
> I have explained the performance problems with Microsoft Access many times
> to my customer and he does not listen. (This is because it is not a problem
> with only he and I prototyping the site). What you describe is a performance
> issue, not a security issue. It sounds like MSAccess is just as secure as
> those other databases, correct?

Or just as insecure depending on how you are passing data to it. At any
rate, I agree with you that it's a performance issue, not a security

> >More than just a random number in most cases.  Usually double md5sum of
> >the epoch bitwise or'd or appended with the process id number, ip
> >address, or user id or a combination of thereof might work.
> >
> Do you have a reference where I could read up on this? 

Check out the Authen::* modules on CPAN as well as CGI::Auth and

Good luck,

Knowmad Services Inc.

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