On Tue, 31 Aug 2004, Dennis McFall wrote:

But Firebird, the database system, is a magnificent, fully SQL-standard compliant, rock-solid system capable of handling millions of records and hundreds of simultaneous users. APress has just published a 1000-page book on it: "The Firebird Book" by Helen Borrie. ISBN 1-59059-279-4.

I stand corrected :-)

The lightweight Gecko browser went through several names in a fairly short time frame, and had to keep changing names because it was conflicting with things I (for one) hadn't heard of at the time. Obviously, even after the dust has (apparently) settled, I'm still not keeping all the names straight :-)

Chris Devers      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

np: 'Sesame Street Theme Song (in German / auf Deutsch: "Sesamstrasse")'
     by Sesame Street
     from 'Sesame Street'

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