White space (including carriage returns) is ignored by HTML, generally.  Try
surrounding your text output by the <pre> tag (preformatted text).  Does
this do what you want?


On 9/6/04 20:10, "Robert Page IV" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am trying to write a simple weekly entry CGI script and I am trying to
> capture a the string returned from a textarea, assign the value to
> either
> a variable or array and output it to a web page with print or printf or
> sprintf/print.
> When I do this, apparently carriage returns are either not captured in
> as part of the value
> returned from the textarea value, or I am not handling the value
> returned correctly to recognize
> carriage returns.
> Does anyone have any recommendations as to how I can solve this issue?
> Robert C. Page IV

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