
Thanks. I read this before in Lincoln Stein's CGI book but it did not register
the first time.

Thanks for the help as this solves my current issues.

Robert Page

On Sep 9, 2004, at 5:31 AM, Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:

Robert Page IV wrote:
Sean Davis wrote:
White space (including carriage returns) is ignored by HTML,
generally.  Try surrounding your text output by the <pre> tag
(preformatted text).
I added pre('executive summary') and pre('details') to the
save_weekly() subroutine and this worked!
Thank you very much. I am weary about the fact that HTML tags are permitted inside PRE. Apparently, &, < and > must either not be
present or handled somehow according to
Can someone recommend a solution to this problem?

Use's escapeHTML() function.

    perldoc CGI

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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Robert C. Page IV

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