Robert Page IV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I am trying to write a simple weekly entry CGI script
: and I am trying to capture a the string returned from
: a textarea, assign the value to either a variable or
: array and output it to a web page with print or printf
: or sprintf/print.
: When I do this, apparently carriage returns are either
: not captured in as part of the value returned from the
: textarea value, or I am not handling the value
: returned correctly to recognize carriage returns.
: Does anyone have any recommendations as to how I can
: solve this issue?

    Do you have an example to demonstrate the issue you
are having?

    Are you using to process form fields or
another solution?

    Did you set the "wrap" attribute of the textarea


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

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