On Sun, 31 Oct 2004 16:30:39 -0800 (PST), patricia gnecco
> I made a form that is working... Now the client wants
> the form to self-update the content of the fields as
> the user fills out the form. For example, if they pick
> 2 t-shirts in a certain field (that cost 10 each),
> then in the subtotals field for t-shirts, it already
> shows up the value for 2 t-shirts, $20...

I would choose DHTML or JavaScript - which are things that happen on
the client.

Otherwise you wouod have to set each field as a submit to get the
server side CGI to process it.  It would take forever depending upon
the complexity of the form.

However, there are perl modules which allow you to write Client-side JS code:

Goto search.cpan.org and see what modules are available.
WC -Sx- Jones

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