Hello, all.

I have a CGI that generates a page from data in a database. I want to include several graphs of data in the page.

I can use GD::Graph to create the images. But, the data sets are rather large/awkward to try to send off to another CGI that I could use with the IMG tag, and I really don't want to write images to files on disk. I'd like to be able to embed the image data directly in the output of the one CGI.

I have found an offhand reference to embedding the image data in an OBJECT tag (in Perl Graphics Programming, page 374 of the first edition). But cannot find any information about how to actually go about doing that.

Where can I learn how, using CGI.pm and GD::Graph, I can embed my image data directly in the mass of HTML I'm spewing out?


Chad A Gard

Miller Brooks, Inc.
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