> >Yeah, though then I have to worry about cleaning up the temp directory, 
> >and I'd like to avoid unnecessary writes to the hard drive (to avoid 
> >directory damage possibilities, energy use, fragmentation, etc).  It 
> >logically makes sense to just send these things out as they're generated.
> >
> Just a thought here: why do you have a hard drive if you're not going to 
> use it? And "energy use"? You're not serious, are you? If the hard drive is 
> spinning, the extra energy used to move the heads is very, very little.

Johnny come lately here...
Please excuse me if I've missed something, but...
Philosophical issues aside, why can't you just have the image src be a link to
your cgi with query_string:some_param=1, causing it to print the image with
Content-Type: image/type. I have a gallery script running on my site, and this
is how it does image resizing dynamically. It's probably inefficient, but it
does save me some unneeded cruft on the hdd (which was the rationalle at the

FYI: If you do that, you may need to append a .gif or whathaveyou to the uri
to make IE happy. Apparently IE likes to ignore Content-Type in favour of the
dot-whatever at the end of the uri. Then you're using Moz/Safarri, so it
shouldn't matter.

PS. In all reality though, the other commenters do have a valid point.

 Shaun Fryer
 ph: 416-544-9461

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