Chris Devers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> suggested:
> Have you considered prefixing that command with `sudo`, and 
> going into the sudoers file to allow the www user that privilige?
> Of course, it would be a bit more complicated than that, as 
> sudo will prompt for a password that you have to pass back to 
> it somehow, but after hurdle that I suspect that it should 
> work fine...

>From "man sudoers":

By default, sudo requires that a user authenticate him or herself
before running a command.  This behavior can be modified via the
NOPASSWD tag.  Like a Runas_Spec, the NOPASSWD tag sets a default
for the commands that follow it in the Cmnd_Spec_List.

Conversely, the PASSWD tag can be used to reverse things.  For example:

        ray    rushmore = NOPASSWD: /bin/kill, /bin/ls, /usr/bin/lprm

would allow the user ray to run /bin/kill, /bin/ls, and /usr/bin/lprm
as root on the machine rushmore as root without authenticating himself.


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