--- Rajesh Raghammudi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using HTML::Templating system for my project and the requirement
> is, 
> URL given at the address bar should not be changed throughout the 
> application, I could able to achieve this and works fine for me (I
> have a 
> login page and users have to login to access the application).

Out of curiosity, who came up with that silly requirement and why?  If
you can find out what they're trying to achieve, maybe you can come up
with a more reasonable way of handling it.

One easy way to handle this is to use a frameset and have your activity
happen in one of the frames (I do not recommend this, but it's
appropriate for some applications.)

You could also launch a new browser window and just not show the
address bar.

Yet another option (probably the preferred one) is to drive everything
through a single driver page and have everything handled via POST
requests.  However, GET and POST are not identical and should not be
treated as such.  Your browser and intervening proxies will respond
*differently* to each type of request and this should be taken into
> The problem I am facing is, If the user refreshes or does anything,
> nothing 
> will happen and everything works fine, but when the user places
> cursor at 
> the address bar and presses Enter, then the page is getting
> redirected to 
> login page asking the user to login again.

I guess the obvious question is to ask how you are maintaining state. 
Can you cache the users state in a local session and give them a cookie
with the session key?


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