On Tue, 28 Jun 2005, David Dorward wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 28, 2005 at 08:21:02PM +0530, Rajesh Raghammudi wrote:
> > I am using HTML::Templating system for my project and the requirement is, 
> > URL given at the address bar should not be changed throughout the 
> > application
> Yuck. The web is not designed to work like that.

No, but it can be done trivially in software.

    $ lynx -dump -source http://devers.homeip.net:8080/frametest.html
    <frameset cols="100%" rows="100%">
      <frame src="http://google.com"; />
Load that page in the browser and the user will see the contents of the 
target of the <frame src="..." /> tag, which in this case is Google's 
home page. If you browse "away" from that container frame, the URL won't 
change in the address bar, and the title attribute will stay the same. 

I still think it's a bizarre requirement -- when I catch on that a site 
is pulling a stunt like this, I actively try to break out of the 
frameset just so I can tell what I'm really looking at -- but it's easy 
enough to do in simple HTML, and it's very common. 

You don't even have to do anything exotic on the clickthrough target to 
obscure things, because the frameset is already providing, for free, as 
much obfuscation as you can reasonably expect to be possible. So, no 
need to force all data through as POST data, no Apache trickery, etc. 

Chris Devers

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