On Thu, 11 Aug 2005, Bill Stephenson wrote:

> If a directory is password protected with .htaccess can you access it 
> directly with a web browser by passing the user name and password in 
> the url string? Something like this?
> http://www.mydomain.com/members/index.html?user=Moe&password=Howard
> or do you always get the popup box?

That won't work, because you're passing the parameters to the script, 
not to the web server. 

You may, however, be able to use this syntax:

http://Moe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/members/index.html

Whether this will work depends on the server configuration. If that 
doesn't work, you may at least be able to send just the login name, as
http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/members/index.html

But note that embedding this in the URL is usually considered a bad 
habit, unless you have no problem with this information being sent 
across the internet in the clear for anyone to see.

Chris Devers

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