Ovid wrote:

--- Tony Frasketi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thank a lot Ovid.... Your explanation enlightened me to the existance
of the variousTest modules...

You're quite welcome.

Test::Unit <http://search.cpan.org/perldoc/Test::Unit> is an
interesting XUnit-style testing library.

I wouldn't use that.  It's a dead module that is no longer used, as far
as I know.  Instead, I highly recommend Test::Class.  It's far more
Perlish and it's actively maintained by Adrian Howard.

By the way, are the use of these Test modules just as appropriate to
use in testing interactive CGI scripts as they are for scripts with no
user interfaces?

Well, it you wish to test the interactivity of your CGI scripts, check
out Test::WWW::Mechanize.  I think you'll be quite pleased with it.


Thanks Ovid. Will check them out!

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