Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:
Bill Stephenson wrote:
On Sep 16, 2005, at 7:51 PM, Scott R. Godin wrote:
Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:
Scott R. Godin wrote:
script is at http://phpfi.com/78748

I followed the instructions in CGI.pm as best I could, and from what I
read the upload() function is supposed to return a filehandle ? (it
doesn't say whether this is a direct FH to the tempfile or not)

I had dome some preliminary testing with one-liners and was pretty sure
this would work, but what I wind up with in the attachment is a file
containing the name of the file, not its actual contents.

what did I do wrong? I can't figure it out. :/

Possibly used the wrong web browser to upload the file. Not all of them
support this feature. Firefox does not. It will however provide the CGI
script with the file name.

Firefox doesn't support file uploads?  I use it all the time to test
scripts that accept uploads.


It'd be news to me too -- I've used firefox for uploads plenty of times.

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