Thanks once again.

I'm running this script on two different machines, both separate from the
machine the Database is running on. 

It works on one Server and it fails on the other. I believe that, it's
trying to connect to a local database on the system it fails rather than
connecting to an external database on another system.

What's the syntax to specify a DSN that includes the IP of Remote MSSql
Server when using dbi-odbc?

Kind regards


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Devers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 10:23 PM
To: Adedayo Adeyeye
Cc: Perl Beginners - CGI List
Subject: RE: uninitialized variable

On Tue, 1 Nov 2005, Adedayo Adeyeye wrote:

> I'm also trying to connect to an mssql db from a cgi, and I'm getting the
> following error:
> Cannot connect: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL 
> Server does not exist or access denied. (SQL-08001)[Microsoft][ODBC 
> SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen (Connect()). 
> (SQL-01000)(DBD: db_login/SQLConnect err=-1)Aborting at 
> C:\Savant\cgi-bin\connect_rodopi.cgi line ...

This seems to be the meat of the problem:

    SQL Server does not exist or access denied

Sounds like a DB admin issue to me. 

Can you use the same login credentials to connect to the database via 
some other means than the CGI script you're writing? If you can't, then 
there's the problem; if you can, then something about using that user / 
password pair from the host where your CGI script is running is broken.

Either way, it sounds like a SQL Server admin config issue, not CGI.

Chris Devers

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