On 4/27/06 10:19 PM, "Mary Anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
>    I have a cgi program that pulls data out of a database and stores it in
> an array ref.  I would like to display this data one row at a time.
> Unfortunately I am having difficulty getting the current index to persist
> from one page to another.  I could do this with a hidden field.  But I also
> have difficulty getting the array ref to persist once the submit button is
> pushed.
>    The general scenario is this.  I have a function which sets a value of
> x.  I would like to have that
> value of x available on the next call to the function.  (Like its supposed
> to be a static variable.)
> Here is what I tried:
> our %x
> sub fu{
>     my ($bar) = @_;
>     our %x;  
>        if ($bar){
>             $x{'ABC'} = 0
>        } 
>        else{
>             $x{'ABC'} = $x{'ABC'} + 1;
>        }
>        print "Value = $x{'ABC'}", hr;
> fu(1);
> <push submit button>
> fu(0);
> gives
> Value = 0
> Value = 
> }
> How should I be doing this?

Variables in CGI cannot be maintained between pages.  You have to redo your
database query for every page (or cache it on disk somewhere--but that is
going to be more complicate) and you are right about needing to use a hidden
field (or a cookie) to pass your index between pages.


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