--- Jay Savage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's actually Data::Dumper, and yes, it's a cpan module. It turns
> Perl data structures into a format that can be evaled to recreate
> the original structure.

Using "eval" is a great reason why this solution is so dangerous.  Once
anyone with even a passing knowledge of programming views the HTML
source, they're going to have a pretty good idea of what's going on. 
At this point, it becomes trivial to insert something into the
Data::Dumper structure which does bad things when being eval'ed.

If you go the Data::Dumper route (and I generally don't advise using
the client for persistence), then you want to also add a "digest" to
digitally sign the data structure.  You need a secret key which is
unlikely to be guessed and you put the digest signature in a hidden
field like so (broken across lines for readability):


That digest would be created by something like this (Digest::SHA1 is
theoretically more secure):

  use Data::Dumper;
  use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
  my $digest = digest( Dumper( $data_to_be_persisted ) );

  sub digest {
      my $data   = shift;
      my $secret = get_secret_key();
      return md5_hex($secret . $data);

And then you'd read that back in from the form with something like

  use CGI qw(:standard);
  my $data   = param('data');
  my $digest = param('digest');

  unless ( $digest eq digest($data) ) {
    # data has been tampered with

Note that a random secret key can be problematic.  Using different
secret keys for creating the digest and testing the digest guarantees
that the digests will not match.


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