Wiggins d'Anconia wrote:
Greg Schiedler wrote:
I know enough Perl to be dangerous!

I have a form that sends out several different confirmations depending on
who the receipient is.

One particular E-mail I need to be in html format so I can put it into a
specific format.  I added a couple of lines to the sendmail routine I was
using and it fixed my E-mail problem but created a problem with my fax
gateway copy.

#1 gets sent the Joe Enduser plain E-mail(Can be html my tweek forced html)
#2 gets sent to the Office HTML Format.
#3 Fax gateway (Plain E-mail).

Fax gateway is in the US Telephone format ie.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I thought about adding an if statment but it looks like if I added an
if/else to my tweeked else statement the receipient info has already been

Greg :-)

Best suggestion would be to switch to using a module. MIME::Lite for instance but there a lot that will work. Check CPAN. Mail while it seems simple is incredibly complex, re-inventing the wheel, especially with such strict requirements is going to be time consuming.

I like MIME::Lite and use it in anything of this sort.  : )


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