On 06/14/2007 02:24 AM, whitsey wrote:
Mumia W. wrote:
On 06/12/2007 09:38 PM, whitsey wrote:
<Directory "/usr/local/apache2.0.54/bindist/cgi-bin">
    AllowOverride None
    Options None

You need "Options ExecCGI" or (more probably) "Options +ExecCGI"

The Apache/Tomcat documentation states that the "ScriptAlias"
directive automatically assigns the alias as a cgi-bin, therefore all
files within this directory are by default assigned as files to be

I did add this however is made no difference...

You're right. Your configuration code (without +ExecCGI) worked on my system (Apache2, Debian 3.1 i386), so I can't say why it doesn't work for you.

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