On Friday April 25 2008 9:09 am, Lynn Etheredge wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to create a button on a web page that opens a file in it's
> application (ie. open a scientific file in it's native application).  My
> file does not have an extension and so I think it probably will not open
> automatically with the system("start docname") command. Thank you,
> Lynn

Are you looking to embed your application inside the  client side web page   
or are you looking to launch the application on the  server passing it  
parameters such as a input file and then collecting  whatever it outputs 
(results) for display on  the web page ?

very different  techniques are involved  , you  may want to  take a look at 
AJAX /JavaScript  to accomplish this  or a combination of AJAX/JSON and Perl.

Your first step in requesting  help should be to lay out just what your trying 
to accomplish . 

You can use system calls or the back tick operator  to accomplish  some of 
this . It's all Dependant on the platform your using to do  the  task.

you need to provide more info , such as the platform , What the called program 
returns  and so forth.


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