On Sat, 10 Jun 2006 11:04:48 +0200, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

Am 10.06.2006 um 05:49 schrieb Klaus D. Witzel:

Would some good soul please have a look a the plugintest.html page, which on my platform starts with the following text in the plugin window: Hello Plugin World!

This window was opened by some code in the file plugintest.sts, which was downloaded by your web browser. The browser started the Squeak Virtual Machine (C:\Program Files\Opera\Program\Plugins\Squeak.exe) with a default object image (C:\Program Files\Opera \Program\Plugins\SqueakPlugin.image).

Since you are reading this I guess all is okay then ...

Click FIND in the Navigator bar below to load some example projects. You can get a larger view by clicking "Escape Browser".

--------my observations:

1) there is no Navigation bar (so no escape from the browser)
2) the heigth of the plugin is insufficient for reaching all items of the world menu (i.e. the desktop menu)

Since this is a test page, me too would like to see it work.

BTW the Fullwindow mode link works here and let me access the desktop menu from the world menu.

This test page assumes you actually use Squeakland's SqueakPlugin.image. That image has the "golden" navigator flap enabled by default.

I believe that is indeed the case, it says 'Squeakland 3.8-05 of 1 September 2005'. I use it for the Petri net demo
- http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Teaching/CP/PetriNets/

The code that opens the workspace is in the file plugintest.sts, it could be made more intelligent to test for enabled flaps. However, I can't update that website easily anymore.

Thank you anyways for taking care.

Using the Squeakland image, the world menu fits on the screen for me.

Not that I did expect the following but, enlarging the Opera web page to 150% did the job, the menu now fits :)

If it does not in your image, you could use Alt-Drag to move it.

Tried it but that stalls the VM (no reaction to mouse or keyboard) and one has to reload the web page.

- Bert -

Thanks again.


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