On Sat, 10 Jun 2006 12:45:37 +0200, Bert Freudenberg wrote:

Am 10.06.2006 um 11:29 schrieb Klaus D. Witzel:
This test page assumes you actually use Squeakland's SqueakPlugin.image. That image has the "golden" navigator flap enabled by default.

I believe that is indeed the case, it says 'Squeakland 3.8-05 of 1 September 2005'. I use it for the Petri net demo
- http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Teaching/CP/PetriNets/

Using the Squeakland image, the world menu fits on the screen for me.

Not that I did expect the following but, enlarging the Opera web page to 150% did the job, the menu now fits :)

I suspect that you ran that image manually and saved it (accidentally) with some non-default preferences.

No (did not run the image manually) and yes (saved the image from the Opera browser after install+update code from server) and no (non-default preferences): downloading a fresh copy from
 - http://squeakland.org/installers/SqueakPlugin.image.zip
this one says 'Squeakland 3.8-05 latest update: #481 Current Change Set: Unnamed1' and also has no "golden" navigator flap (but "show shared flaps" are enabled on the world menu, as before).

Perhaps a platform (Opera, WinXP) specific difference? Should there be any other files (besides SqueakPlugin.image) on startup?

NB: after successfully doing an "update code from server" on the fresh copy, when saving the resulting image, FileDirectory startUp does DosFileDirectory assureDirectory: 'C:\My Squeak' which raises a debugger but, the directory exists (and is populated) and on the next start (browse page refresh), #systemInformationString still says update: #481. Saved SqueakDebug.log if that is of interest.


- Bert -

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