Consider something about how continuation-based frameworks/smalltalk are
more accessible to end users/allow them good scripting/customising times? Of
course, it would be difficult to find test subjects for this, and I don't
know how many credible office apps there are implemented in squeak. Of
course, that may be going over old ground.

Actually, the phrase that springs to mind is "ad hoc collaboration" - do
something about managing and supporting groups or individuals who need to
develop and document processes that they create and change on the fly.
Journal-based user interfaces? Of course, I suspect that you'll want to keep
your coding to a minimum, so you can focus on measuring results.

On 6/13/07, Robert Stehwien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been primarily a Windows C++ developer for 12 years with a little
Java, Perl, Python, and lately Ruby along the way.  I've never looked
at line of Smalltalk until recently.  But that all changed when I
decided to get a Masters in CS and since a PhD isn't out of the
question write a thesis.

When asked by a co-worker what my thesis topic would be, I said "maybe
something with peer-to-peer, gaming, collaborative environments, 3D,
education, visual programming, interaction design, or languages" (big
list I know but somewhat ordered).  I started digging around and
noticed a pattern... Smalltalk, Squeak, Croquet, and Seaside kept
coming up (although it took a little while to notice the mouse icon
and 3d bunny.

So I've ordered the book "Object Land", downloaded all the free books
and Squeak (ordered the DVD too), and joined the list.  But I'm still
having trouble narrowing down a thesis topic to present to my advisor
(for adjustment I'm sure).

Anyone have any suggestions for a thesis topic?  Maybe there is some
part of Squeak that the community would like
documented/researched/implemented.  P2P gaming/collaboration using
Croquet sound interesting, but I'm pretty open for suggestions.


PS: As a working C++ developer it will take a while for me to finish
the thesis and my masters.
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