Klaus D. Witzel a écrit :
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 22:00:09 +0100, nicolas cellier wrote:

However i can construct a test case that will not do what is expected and will not raise a notification, wanna bet?

No, just let the next people who attempt to bring MappedCollection back to Squeak > 3.10 take care ;-)

As a user of collection wrappers, proposed patch just hit the alarm buzzer my nervous brain is equipped with.

But your position is wise. As long as a MappedCollection, lazy list or lazy collection (see these projects on SqueakSource) are all created under our control, we can manage...

BTW: do you have as much energy for fixing problems as you seem to have for imagine the currently non-existing ;-) This would help Squeak jump forward :)

That's precisely how i find and fix unknown bugs:
Imagine how i could break current implementation.

For this reason, most patches i proposed are minor.
Hope a few are usefull, since adopted in 3.8.1, 3.9 and 3.10.
Any minor contribution counts anyway :)


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