El 7/1/08 12:54 PM, "smith02243" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

> When I had installed 3.9 on my Linux box, I saw the MPEGPlayerMorph. However,
> sound did not work on 3.9 in ubuntu. So, with the help of the fedora image,
> I installed 3.10. Everything worked beautifully, except that the
> MPEGPlayerMorph was no longer there. I understand it's been culled from the
> image.
> How can I install the MPEGPlayerMorph, or more specifically the
> StreamingMP3Sound class? StreamingMP3Sound is in the Sound-Synthesis
> category, and therefore the Sound package, apparently. Yet, in Monticello
> the Sound package, on souce.squeakfoundation.org/310, doesn't contain that
> class. Moreover, I can't find it the Package Universe Browser, even with I
> install "universes" from the SqueakMap Package Loader, which one site
> recommended
> I am completely lost. All I want to do is play mp3 files.

have the answer, if have questions send mail or try to find me on #squeak

By the way, also on the page is how to have IRC on the image,

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