On Apr 21, 2009, at 7:01 AM, Mark Volkmann wrote:

On Apr 20, 2009, at 10:28 PM, David Mitchell wrote:

Very trippy but sometimes frustrating to someone who
just wants to build a CRUD GUI.

This was a key factor in me setting Squeak aside for a bit. I love the syntax of Smalltalk and the tools, but I was amazed at how difficult it was to build and deploy a simple GUI application. For example, I just wanted to build a GUI with a text field for entering a name and an OK button. When the button is pressed I wanted to display a dialog box that contains the text "Hello" and the name. The most frustrating parts were the layout of widgets and the packages

I meant "packaging".

of the application which involves a large number of steps.

A more recent concern for me is the lack of support for taking advantage of multi-core processors. I know someone is working on improving this.

I hope to return to using Smalltalk at some point.

Mark Volkmann

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