Hi Michael,

thanks for the quick response!

Michael Haupt wrote:
Hi Ralf,

first of all, congratulations on your achievements! :-)

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 4:37 PM, Ralf Folkerts<ralf.folke...@gmx.de> wrote:
So I decided to do it the hard way and to compile for FreeBSD/amd64 on my
own. ... and finally had a seemingly working VM.

Would you be so kind and contribute your step-by-step guide as documentation?

I could try to write some kind of short guide. It would become somewhat FreeBSD-centric, though (but then, Linuxers could update it with their experiences).

Another doc mentioned to download a "full" Image; however, I only found
"basic" ones?

These are essentially full... confusing name, though, agreed.

Ahhh... thanks for that Info!


Good choice.

it was complaining about missing sources, so I have to solve that.

Please download http://ftp.squeak.org/3.10/SqueakV39.sources.gz and
put the result of unzipping it next to your image and changes files.
That should solve the problem.

OK, that was the missing bit :D Thanks for the Link... After Installation of the Sources everything seems to work OK. I tried the first things from the "Squeak by Example" and the results were as expected.

So, could somebody please hint me at how to get "the correct" Image for
64bit FreebSD/amd64? Or is the Downloaded one OK? If it is, however,
wouldn't I need a 3.10.5 Image instead of 3.10.2?

If the image complains about sources not being found, it's "alive".

There are 64bit images, but AFAIK they're mostly unsupported (I may be
wrong there). They're available from
http://squeakvm.org/squeak64/dist3/ - note, however, that those are
not version 3.10, but 3.8.

Yepp, that age of the 64-bit stuff there confused me a bit ;-)

As mentioned, I found some instructions beneath platforms/unix/misc that don't make the slightest sense for me; I'll quote the first two of them:


   Contain image-side support for 64-bit images.  File-in image1
   before image2.


   Contains the SystemTracer64 which writes a copy of the running
   image in 64-bit format.  File-in image1 and image2 before
   System-Tracing. [...]"

However, when the Image "is fine" "as is" it's OK. I doubt I will write some Smalltalk-App that would require 64 bit

Would really be nice if somebody could help me - esp. because it seems to me
that many of the Docs I found are a bit outdated and sent me into wrong
directions I think...

Welcome to the realities of Squeak. Sorry about the sarcasm, but this is it. :-)

My question to you above (about contributing your VM building
experience as documentation) is related to this...



Well, thanks again! I'll try to setup a "clean" Env, go through the build again and make notes. Will post the result on this list then.


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