On Friday 11 Feb 2011 8:20:03 am ericgao wrote:
> Have used Squeak for some days, but it seems I still don't have very clear
> idea on how to use Squeak for develop, only know to open class browser to
> type in code and run in workspace and debug step by step, any introduction
> on other function of Squeak? and any API reference for Squeak development
> environment?
For programming tools like Workspace
For simple examples - Terse Guide to Squeak at
For Morphic GUI  - John Maloney's

Search past archives of beginner's list for other recommendations.

> How could a create a fresh image for Squeak developement?
Open an existing image, bring up the world menu and do a "save as" under a new 

> And after clicking on create a new project, squeak go to a grey place, how
> could I get back? Only i could do is closing the Squeak....
The grey sheet is your "world". When you start Squeak for the first time, you 
are shown a blank project. You add code (changeset) to the world by 
programming using Workspace or Class Browser. Usually the first step is to give 
a name to the project.

     Project current renameTo: 'Parrot'

When a new project is created, the parent project carries a thumbnail picture 
of the new project. If you jump back to the parent from the Projects menu, you 
can see this thumbnail. Click on this to re-enter it or press middle button to 
get a menu to remove ("expunge") just the thumbnail or thumbnail along with 
its attached project object.

You can create many projects and carry them in Squeak image itself. or you can 
export ("save" or "publish") it to a file or remote server and import ("load") 
it later.

Watch out for beginner's trap - The parent only contains a reference to the 
new project object but not the whole project object. Saving the parent does 
not save the new project.

HTH .. Subbu
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