On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 5:30 AM, Steve Thomas <sthom...@gosargon.com> wrote:

> In the Squeak By Example Book they reference a BlobMorph (which seems to
> have been removed from the latest version (4.2)
> Is there an HTML version of the book where I can add comments as I go for
> suggested changes?

Source here:

Laurent Laffont - @lolgzs <http://twitter.com/#!/lolgzs>

Pharo Smalltalk Screencasts: http://www.pharocasts.com/
Blog: http://magaloma.blogspot.com/

> Stephen
> On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 10:32 AM, K. K. Subramaniam 
> <kksubbu...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Friday 11 Feb 2011 8:20:03 am ericgao wrote:
>> > Have used Squeak for some days, but it seems I still don't have very
>> clear
>> > idea on how to use Squeak for develop, only know to open class browser
>> to
>> > type in code and run in workspace and debug step by step, any
>> introduction
>> > on other function of Squeak? and any API reference for Squeak
>> development
>> > environment?
>> For programming tools like Workspace
>>   http://www.squeakbyexample.org
>> For simple examples - Terse Guide to Squeak at
>>   http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/5699
>> For Morphic GUI  - John Maloney's
>> http://stephane.ducasse.free.fr/FreeBooks/CollectiveNBlueBook/morphic.final.pdf
>> Search past archives of beginner's list for other recommendations.
>> > How could a create a fresh image for Squeak developement?
>> Open an existing image, bring up the world menu and do a "save as" under a
>> new
>> name.
>> > And after clicking on create a new project, squeak go to a grey place,
>> how
>> > could I get back? Only i could do is closing the Squeak....
>> The grey sheet is your "world". When you start Squeak for the first time,
>> you
>> are shown a blank project. You add code (changeset) to the world by
>> programming using Workspace or Class Browser. Usually the first step is to
>> give
>> a name to the project.
>>     Project current renameTo: 'Parrot'
>> When a new project is created, the parent project carries a thumbnail
>> picture
>> of the new project. If you jump back to the parent from the Projects menu,
>> you
>> can see this thumbnail. Click on this to re-enter it or press middle
>> button to
>> get a menu to remove ("expunge") just the thumbnail or thumbnail along
>> with
>> its attached project object.
>> You can create many projects and carry them in Squeak image itself. or you
>> can
>> export ("save" or "publish") it to a file or remote server and import
>> ("load")
>> it later.
>> Watch out for beginner's trap - The parent only contains a reference to
>> the
>> new project object but not the whole project object. Saving the parent
>> does
>> not save the new project.
>> HTH .. Subbu
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