
 I'm writing a small game. The fileOut code for the game is pasted at 
http://paste.lisp.org/display/120545 . I got a rather strange bug going on, 
which I will describe here, in the hope that somebody has the time to help me.

 The bug is like this: If you open the game (with FiveInARowGame new 
openInWorld) and if you also have a Transcript window open, then the game works 
correctly. (Try clicking somewhere in the game board, and the AI will respond 
after 0.5 seconds, and the tag 'Crosses'' turn.' will change to 'Nought''s 
turn.' and back again.)

 But if you close the Transcript window, or if you remove a certain "Transcript 
show: '' . " statement in the FiveInARowGame>>performAI method, then mouse 
response will become less responsive in the game, and the 'Crosses'' turn.' tag 
will not update as it should any longer.

 Now, my question is: what magic does this call to Transcript do which causes 
my game to update correctly, and what message should I send instead to get the 
same effect, even without a Transcript window open ?

Best Regards
 Martin Nilsson
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