Thank you! The problem is solved, and I think I see clearly why. I will look 
into background processes later, and for now I'll go with the simple solution. 

/Martin Nilsson

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Bert Freudenberg
> Sent: 03/16/11 04:40 PM
> To: A friendly place to get answers to even the most basic questions about    
> Squeak.
> Subject: Re: [Newbies] Strange bug with Morphic
> On 16.03.2011, at 11:33, Martin Nilsson wrote:
> > Now, my question is: what magic does this call to Transcript do which 
> > causes my game to update correctly
> It performs a "world cycle", which causes a redraw.
> > , and what message should I send instead to get the same effect, even 
> > without a Transcript window open ?
> You could write "self world doOneCycleNow". However, this normally hints at a 
> design flaw.
> Morphic is an event-driven system. It has a main loop that processes events, 
> then redraws the changed parts of the world.
> Since your code does not "return" to the main loop while doing the AI, the UI 
> will not update. The "proper" way would be doing the UI in a background 
> process, which would notify the UI process when done. Then other things could 
> happen in parallel to the AI "thinking".
> If you don't care about the world being frozen while the AI is doing its 
> thing, then you don't need a background process, and forcing a world cycle to 
> update the display is fine. Certainly simpler.
> - Bert -
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