bb <bblochl <at>> writes:

>     Am 30.06.2011 11:53, schrieb Randal L. Schwartz:
>                 "bb" == bb  <bblochl <at>> writes:
> bb>
>     I did not ask a GNU Smalltalk question!  I asked a "Draft American
>     National Standard for Information Systems - Programming Languages -
>     Smalltalk" question concerning Aqueak and GNU Smalltalk as well. But
>     I found an explanation in the GNU Smalltalk docu, that is missing in
>     any Squeak docu! (I browsed all of them for FloatD/EQ!)
>     I do not want to learn GNU Smalltalk and I do not want to learn
>     Squeak, but I want to learn Smalltalk- 80! (Squeak and Smalltalk-80?
>     See above!) 
>     If you and the Squeak Organisation do not like such questions simply
>     remark on the home page:"Squeak is not Smalltalk-80 and not ANSI Smalltalk
>       compatible!
>     And may be you might add: Just a Toy for Children. The Squeak
>     homepage claims just the oposit. 
>     And you might add: Do not bother us with Smalltalk queations, we are
>     just gaming.
>     Some CS people have warned me to caution against Squeak as I told to
>     give it a try. So you see that the Squeak reputation is not very
>     high. With your mail you force the common broad idea that Squeak is
>     just a gaming thingy for kiddies. 
>     I would thank anyone very much who can point me to another free
>     Smalltalk-80 Version - than I promise not to bother you any longer.
>     Regards
>     B. Blochl
Clearly, Squeak does not have FloatE, FloatD, FloatQ subclasses, as this is not
a required feature, so Randall is right when saying this question is irrelevant,
because it is GNU-implementation-specific.

Squeak only has Float == FloatD, which is conform to ANSI.

But squeak is not fully conforming to the ANSI standard.
For example, it lacks asFloatD asFloatE asFloatQ. Here, you questions are fully

AFAIK, there was an ANSI compatibility optional package in squeakmap and/or
squeaksource, but I don't know if it is maintained.


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