On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 8:34 AM, bb <bblo...@arcor.de> wrote:
> I found that there are some Float-Subclasses:
> FloatD
> FloatE
> FloatQ
> How can I use them and what are they good for?
> I do not understand the use of
> LargeZeroInteger
> as well.

Squeak does not have these classes.  In fact, most Smalltalks do not,
even though it is part of the ANSI standard.  The only numeric classes
that are part of the regular image are  Float, Fraction and Integer,
with its subclasses LargePositiveInteger, LargeNegativeInteger, and
SmallInteger.  There are other numeric classes out there, such as
Complex, but these are the ones that get used by everybody.

It has been a while since I have used VisualWorks.  It has a fixed
decimal number, in addition to the ones I just mentioned.  But I don't
think it has the subclasses of Float, either.

-Ralph Johnson
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