Susan Arante writes ..

>I'm getting the above error when my perl script runs a batch
>(master.bat) that in turn runs a batch (slave.bat) that runs another
>perl script. The process kicks me out

sounds peculiar .. but I don't think it has anything to do with your
Perl5/Perl6 dance .. see comments on your code below

>open(CFGFILE, "ReStart_one.cfg");
>open(MASTERBAT, ">Master.bat");
>$mcname = <CFGFILE>;

so now $mcname contains a line from the file AND it's line-ending character

>while ($mcname ne "")

this 'ne ""' will ALWAYS be true because even on a blank line $mcname will
contain a line-ending character


only here do you strip off that line ending character

>printf MASTERBAT ("Start slave.bat $mcname\n");
>printf MASTERBAT ("wait 5\n");
>NEXTMC:$mcname = <CFGFILE>;

this is a really strange way to do this .. take a look at the perlopentut
tutorial on opening and using files .. you'll see it done quite differently

>printf `master.bat`;

and finally .. a 'printf' without a pattern .. you should be using either
print - or just a system call (the batch file will print out to STDOUT

here's my code for doing the same thing

  #!perl -w
  use strict;

  my $bat = 'Master.bat';

  open CONFIG, 'ReStart_one.cfg' or die "Bad open: $!";
  open BATCH , ">$bat"           or die "Bad open: $!";

    print BATCH "Start slave.bat $_\n" or die "Bad write: $!";
    print BATCH "wait 5\n"             or die "Bad write: $!";

  close BATCH                          or die "Bad write: $!";

  system $bat;



  perldoc perlopentut
  perldoc -f open
  perldoc -f printf
  perldoc -f print

  jason king

  A Canadian law states that citizens may not publicly remove bandages.

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