Billy Joedono writes ..

>Below is a piece of code central to my problem. I've used this a lot
>of time without problem, but on this occasion, it fails me. Whenever I
>run the script, it ends with the error "bash: ./ No such file
>or directory". The funny thing is, if I activate the debug option (use
>#!/usr/bin/perl -d) and step through the code, it does what I want, no
>errors given there.

can you run it manually by passing it to the interpreter



the permissions should be (at least) 755 .. ie.

  chmod 755

but you're right .. the fact that it works in the debugger should mean
that's not the problem

I assume that you aren't doing anything crazy like having a blank line
before the shebang line .. because obviously that'll also create problems
(but you'd have to be really crazy to delete the blank line when adding the
'-d' option)

other than ensuring that the shebang line is correct (again - you'd have to
be crazy to be changing it without realising when you add the '-d' option)
there doesn't seem to be anything obvious

  jason king

  A Canadian law states that citizens may not publicly remove bandages.

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