On Tue, May 01, 2001 at 01:22:59PM -0700, Paul wrote:
: --- Kaustav Bhattacharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
: > Mark,
: > I only recently started coding in PERL so don't take the following as
: > official.
: > 
: > There is no CASE statement in PERL. Instead you use something called
: > SWITCH. 
: > The O'Reilly book has an example of how to use the SWITCH statement.
: Perl has no CASE *or* SWITCH statement.
: You can build one, but it doesn't *have* one.
: c.f. perldoc perlsyn
: There's a section on switch statements. =o)

Not to mention the ever usefull module called Switch :)

Check it out at:


Casey West

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