Forwarded message.

-----Original Message-----
From: Porter, Chris 
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 7:14 AM
Subject: RE: FW: delete files

Silly question --- where do i exactly insert all of my information that
points to where my changes need to be made.  Sorry if this is a stupid
question.  Thank you.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 11:34 AM
To: Porter, Chris; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: FW: delete files

--- "Porter, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any ideas???????
> > me.  I want to create a script that deletes uppercase words from a
> > directory using the unlink command.  Probably a very simple thing

  chdir $dir or die $!;
  opendir DIR, "." or die $!;
  for my $file (grep { -f $_ } readdir DIR) {  # maybe -c?....
    unlink $file if $file =~ /^[A-Z]+$/
  closedir DIR;

Print files might be character special files, with would be -c, or some
other sort that would simplify the grep test to a more accurate

What this does:

  chdir $dir or die $!;

Go to the directory in question. This assumes you've already loaded
$dir with that name.

  opendir DIR, "." or die $!;

Open the current directory for reading, to get the filenames.

   for my $file (grep { -f $_ } readdir DIR) {  # maybe -c?....

Loop through the files (for my $file) in the directory (readdir DIR)
that are plain files (grep { -f $_ })
 --- note that this grep condition is the one that might need to be    
 changed to -c instead of -f ---

      unlink $file if $file =~ /^[A-Z]+$/

and unlink each $file returned.

print "Just another Perl Hacker\n"; # edited for readability =o)
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