> > Thank all the perl gurus answering our naive novices' questions. 
> > 
> > ok, now the problem is:
> > 
> > I try to install Net::FTP in WinNT. ppm says there is no such PPD
> > file. That's ok, I don't object. As far as I can see, I cannot
> > influence it. Or can I? Anyway, what are the ways (lazy ones :] ) to
> > install perl packages in WinNT. Or, again, which man-page or doc
> > should I read to learn about it?
> ActivePerl includes Net::FTP.  You don't need to install it.

As far as I can see, there is no such file like perl/lib/Net/FTP.pm on my WindowsNT 
system. Moreover, the command "perldoc Net::FTP" results in "No documentation found"; 
but this is ActiveState Perl that I deal with. So, I suppose, Net::FTP is not 
installed yet. 
As to CPAN module - it often refuses to install modules, halting at "make test" or 
"make" stages. 
So, the thing I am searching for is just another lazy way to install perl modules, or 
maybe some ways to tweak PPM to make it function properly. 

Thank you. 

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