On May 31, Randal L. Schwartz said:

>>>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff Pinyan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>Jeff> A closure is an ANONYMOUS function (constructed via $x = sub {
>Jeff> ... }) that contains LEXICAL variables that have been defined in
>Jeff> a scope visible to the closure itself.
>leave out the word ANONYMOUS there.
>ANONYMOUS and CLOSURE are orthogonal.
>in "BEGIN { my $x; sub foo { ... $x ... } }", foo is a CLOSURE
>and is not ANONYMOUS.

I was scolded highly about that by Uri, back when my article[1] about
closures.  I, too, felt that foo() should be called a closure, but Uri
seemed so convincing.  If you're going to let me say that functions that
refer to lexical variables in such a fashion are closures, thank you, I
can return my normal "sane" self.

[1] "Using Closures", by Jeff Pinyan, May 2000:

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      http://www.pobox.com/~japhy/
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