#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

## get first line with col names
my $headers = <>; 
## store column names into array
my @column_names = split /\s+/, $headers; 
## print out first line (sorted column names)
print join(' ', sort @column_names), "\n";
## The hash %column_order will contain column names as keys, and position of 
column in original file as a hash value
my %column_order = map(($column_names[$_] => $_), 0..$#column_names);
## process rest of file:
while (<>) {
        ## skip blank lines
        next if /^\s*$/;
        ## cut newline
        ## split columns into array
        my @vals = split /\s+/;
        print join(' ', ## join fields with space...
                ## for each column name, get it's position (it's $column_order{$_}),
                ## and obtain appropriate value from @vals;
                map $vals[$column_order{$_}], 
                ## the line below will feed sorted col names to map()
                sort keys %column_order
        ), "\n";

On Friday 08 June 2001 16:20, Pedro A Reche Gallardo wrote:
> Hi all, I have a file with  20 columns of positive and negative  decimal
> numbers (eg: 9.782 -8.983) separated by a black space, and everycolumn
> is marked on top with an single alphabet letter.
> This is an example.
> A      D      C      B
> 9.782 -8.983 -3.483 -3.219
> 0.995 -0.330 9.994 -4.000
> and, I would like to reorder them to look as follows.
> A      B       C     D
> 9.782 -3.219 -3.483 -8.893
> 0.995 -4.000 9.994 -0.330
> Any help, or suggestion will be welcomed.
> Cheers
> ***************************************************************************
> PEDRO a. RECHE gallardo, pHD            TL: 617 632
> 3824
> Scientist, Mol.Immnunol.Foundation,     FX: 617 632 3351
> Dana-Farber Cancer Institute,           EM:
> Harvard Medical School,                 URL: http://www.reche.org
> 44 Binney Street, D610C,
> Boston, MA 02115
> ***************************************************************************

Ondrej Par
Internet Securities
Software Engineer
Phone: +420 2 222 543 45 ext. 112

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